The Pattern
We use patterns as a recurring design element. They can be used as a background graphic and thus subtly support our typical KRONE design.
Our basic pattern represents the movement of our machines in the field in an abstract way. The angle of the pattern reflects our logo. You can use it in combination with all of our primary colours.

The pattern is always based on the angle of our logo.

Example of use
The combination of pattern and machine is a typical style element. In this example, the angle of the base is adjusted to be consistent. Logo, pattern, machine, and base layer result in a harmonious overall picture.

Exemplary use of the pattern in combination with our logo and the BiG M.
Alternative pattern
As an alternative to the pattern above, there is a more reduced version.

Exemplary use of the pattern in combination with our logo and the BiG M
Download full pattern package
1,8 mb
1,4 mb